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Not My Job

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I just finished a book on customer service in the hospitality industry.  All the lessons in the book can be related not only to every industry, but to everybody.  The author dives into culture, employee engagement and customer value.

One of the lessons learned in the book was to help wherever you are needed as well as where you are not.  Simple examples are: if you see trash pick it up; if a colleague is overwhelmed, see if you can help; if a customer is having an issue and you happen to be the one he or she raises it to, take ownership by helping to fix it.

An unsatisfied customer does not want to hear “It’s not my job”. They just want their issue resolved, no matter how big or small.  This is something I have experienced several times this year. Any time I’ve had a problem at an establishment that has been solved, I always go back and give them another chance. Sometimes the resolution is as simple as an apology. Other times it can be more of a challenge. If I’m not satisfied with the resolution, I tend not to go back.

Providing great service can sometimes be as simple as a smile or letting someone bend your ear because they need to vent.  Other times it can be more complicated, and the situation may be outside your expertise.  When that has happened to me, I find someone who can help but I take ownership of the situation and follow up with the customer, even though it may not be my job or even my area of expertise.

One of J2’s tenants is service, and we take that very seriously. When we say service we not only mean service to our customers but also to our colleagues.  Everyone pitches in where they can regardless of whose responsibility it is.  Rise to the challenge and see what the outcome may bring.

“Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.” – Og Mandino

Make someone’s day this weekend. All you need to do is smile at them.

Have a great weekend.

