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Day: April 29, 2022

J2 Thought Leadership

Close Your Talent Gap with Alternative Workforce Development

As the Great Resignation continues and employers everywhere are trying to fill talent gaps on their teams, thinking outside the box has become essential. Traditional recruiting tactics are no longer working, as evidenced by the fact that demand in the workforce still far outweighs supply.

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Judgmentally Curious

Elon Musk is in the news once again. This time, he made the headlines for his $40 billion purchase of Twitter, which will make the platform a private company. As with most things, people are passionately taking sides. They are debating the pros and cons, questioning Twitter’s future, and judging Elon’s motives. Some have even analyzed the content of Elon’s own personal tweets to support their views, good or bad. Common wisdom suggests that Elon’s motivation is his belief that Twitter should be a platform for free speech and should not censor content, as they currently seem to do. Freedom of speech is a sentiment we can all get behind, right? 😊

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