Listen with Your Eyes
A study by Dr. Albert Mehrabian, Professor of Psychology at UCLA, shows that only 7% of all communication is based in the words we say. Of the other 93%, 38% is made up of the tonality we use and the remaining 55% is made up nonverbal ques; body language1. This means that most of what […]
Communicate to Be Heard
John Wanamaker said this almost a century ago: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” The words are still true today. Companies spend millions on marketing and trying to get our attention. With all the technologies available today there is a lot of noise in […]
Networking in the Age of the Emoji
By Sanjay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions Over the course of my career, I’ve forged countless important business relationships that are meaningful to me—both on a personal and a professional level. But lately I’ve noticed a trend in the way “networking” as a business tool is utilized. It seems many of its most valuable elements […]
As y’all know I meet with a group of business owners once a quarter. Our last meeting was in Birmingham earlier this week, where we had a family and relationship counselor speak to the group. Very interesting of our host to invite Michael to speak to a group of business folks, but if you peel […]
“If you just communicate, you can get by. But if you communicate skillfully, you can work miracles.” —Jim Rohn Last week we discussed listening and its importance. I thought it would only be fair this week to discuss the other side of that coin: communication. Communication is both verbal and non-verbal. It is broken down […]