What if you don’t have tomorrow?

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Last year at an event the speaker asked the question: “If I told you that you had 70 years to live would you still be here?” The answer by almost everybody was yes. He then re-asked the question: “If I told you that you had 7 years to live would you still be here?”  To that, a […]


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We all could use a little more laughter in our lives. Unfortunately, we live in an angry world. Many people have short fuses which often escalate into an unusually high amount of violence over what I consider to be extremely small things. Our always connected world provides information at a rapid pace, which means we […]

Anger as A Motivator

It Staffing Services

Is anger good or bad? Most would say that anger is bad. Anger can be both negative and positive—it depends on how you use it. Anger is viewed as a negative emotion when people say and do nasty things. They curse, throw things, and destroy relationships. At an extreme level, they set things on fire […]