The EQ Factor: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters for Project Managers
By Vijay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions In a previous blog, I discussed the importance of assessing a candidate’s emotional intelligence (EQ) in the hiring practices of managers. Emotional intelligence has come to the forefront of our working environment, and today I’ll be expanding on the topic as it pertains to project managers. But first, […]
Always the Student: How Sharpening Your Listening Skills Makes You a Better Project Manager
By Sanjay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions Last month, Vijay discussed the importance of mindfulness for project managers—and what we discovered was that the act of being mindful can make you not only more successful, but also kick your skillset up a notch. Today, I’d like talk about another “intangible” that serves as an important […]