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Dreams vs. Goals

Dreams vs. Goals

I was reading Tim Ferriss’ latest book, Tools of Titans, and in one chapter he talked about dreams vs. goals. It got me thinking of the differences.

Here are a few differences:

1. A dream is something you fantasize about. A goal is something you work toward.
2. Goals can have deadlines. Dreams can go on forever.
3. Dreams are free. Goals have a cost (Time, price, effort, etc.).
4. Dreams are imaginary. Goals are based in reality.
5. Goals require hard work. Dreams just require your imagination.

Don’t get me wrong, some dreams can become reality if you set your mind to them and write them down.

A few years back I heard Bo Eason speak. Bo was a player for the Houston Oilers for four years. As a child, he wanted nothing more than to play in the NFL. That was his dream. He made that dream a goal and worked hard towards it. Every day after school he would recruit his friends and make them catch the ball 1,000 times. Soon his friends got tired of that. He then recruited his parents and when his parents could not play catch with him, he recruited his brother. Bo would throw the ball to his brother 1,000 times a day. As a result of all those catches and throws, Bo made the NFL and his brother Tony became an NFL quarterback for the Patriots and the Jets.

Dreams can become reality if you make them a goal. It takes one step to make a dream a goal—write it down. It takes some time to make a goal reality. It takes a plan and hard work.

Dream big. Write them down. Make the dream a goal and work your plan.

“A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.” —Harvey MacKay

Have a great weekend.


About Friday Food for Thought (FFfT)

I frequently attend conferences and retreats on entrepreneurship and leadership and while I am away, the J2 team picks up the slack, allowing me to learn to be better at what I do. I wanted to share what I was learning with my team, so I created the weekly FFfT emails in November of 2015 and have been writing them ever since.

Before long, the J2 staff began sharing the FFfT emails with their friends and family and now other leaders have asked to be included, which led to the creation of this newsletter. I hope you enjoy!

