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Perseverance and Resilience

Philadelphia It Consulting

This past Sunday Tiger Woods became the second oldest man to win the Masters at 43 years old, just 3 years younger than Jack Nicklaus, who last won the Masters at 46. Additionally, this Sunday Tiger received his 5th Masters jacket and 15th Major tournament win; while these are quite the accomplishments, it’s not what I believe to be the amazing part of this win.

The amazing part is that Tiger has been through a lot, both physically and mentally over the past few years. Between his last tournament win in 2008 and the Masters last weekend he has endured several back surgeries, an addiction to pain killers, a very public divorce, loss of sponsors, etc. While I am not defending what Tiger has done, I am surprised that given all this and all the naysayers that said he was washed up, he has come back to win a major golf tournament. One might say it was a fluke, but over the last few years he has been in the mix in many tournaments. Maybe Tiger’s back, maybe he is not.

My amazement is in his perseverance and resilience. Like Bo Eason’s story, I recently saw a video of Tiger when was three and at the end of the video he says he wants to beat Nicklaus’ record of wins in golf; if he continues to play like has, his childhood goals may come true.

Sanjay and I started our company in 2002, a difficult time to start a business. Back in 2002 we both knew that we wanted certain freedoms that we would not get working for someone else, and we knew that starting our own business would be challenging. Despite the hardships, we kept at it, just like Tiger Woods has for the past 11 years (if not longer!). Between 2002 and today, we have endured many personal and professional challenges, but through the ups and the downs we have been resilient and kept our end goal in mind as we continue to build J2.

How are you going to prove your naysayers wrong?


“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius


Have a great Easter.


