Welcome to the PULSE!
Although the weather is still warm, summer is a memory, school is back in session and the usual activities are ramping up. As we enjoyed the sun and laid back schedule for the past three months, we also took a moment to express our gratitude for 17 years as an independent company! Starting J2 Solutions was a risky endeavor, but it has proved worth it all the way.
Some of the key elements of running a successful business are continuing to have a growth-mindset and communicating with our team, our clients and even our competition to make sure J2 continues to accomplish great things. Taking the time to meet people where they are and understand where they’re coming from, or to make sure you are understood before moving to the next thing is a sure-fire way to learn something new about the other person or yourself.
We try to meet both our clients and consultants where they are with each project. Andy asked the question, Why Can’t I Find a Job if Tech Talent is in Short Supply? The solution comes back to relationships and having regular conversations with a good recruiter can help you find the real jobs with companies that are a great fit for you.
To wrap things up this quarter, Vijay penned a couple of related posts about being our best. You never know who is looking to you for direction, so keep your best foot forward. And while that foot is forward, keep moving. Service is often a differentiator for companies, and for individuals in all parts of our lives.
Whether you spent the summer days learning new things or improving your relationships, we hope you are refreshed and ready to tackle what comes your way. Enjoy the coming crisp fall season and make sure you understand and are understood in all your interactions.
Please share any feedback and/or ideas you have for future issues of the PULSE at pulse@j2-solutions.com. Follow us on Facebook , Twitter, and LinkedIn.
The J2 Team