The Fake Debate of Scrum Master or Project Manager

By Sanjay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions
The debate about whether a project needs a Project Manager or a Scrum Master is not a useful deliberation for moving projects forward.
Formal Education vs. Experience

By Vijay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions Hiring in our industry isn’t as black and white as one might think. There are many factors that go into what makes a good associate, so finding a great one requires evaluating the talent on several layers. Recruiters and companies alike put a lot of effort into finding […]
PM’s vs. BA’s

By Sanjay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions There are several areas where the job of a Project Manager and a Business Analyst can blur. Still, it is crucial that the project have both roles assigned regardless of your team size and resources – for the sake of both the project and the business. Project Managers […]
PULSE April 2018
Welcome to the PULSE! Over the past several months, we’ve been thinking about some of the intangibles that have contributed to our professional successes. Mindfulness, for example, is an often underused practice that we’ve adopted in both our personal and professional lives, while a continued commitment to learning, we’ve discovered, is one of the best ways […]
Always the Student: How Sharpening Your Listening Skills Makes You a Better Project Manager

By Sanjay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions Last month, Vijay discussed the importance of mindfulness for project managers—and what we discovered was that the act of being mindful can make you not only more successful, but also kick your skillset up a notch. Today, I’d like talk about another “intangible” that serves as an important […]