Planning vs. Execution

Motion vs. Action or Planning vs. Execution What’s the difference? Motion is when you’re busy doing something, but that task never produces an outcome. Action, on the other hand, is what gets you results. You can have the best plan in the world, but if you do not execute it is useless. “Vision without action […]
Legacy (Part 2) – Procrastination

Last week’s FFfT was about legacy, I hope you read it. I promised a second part to it, it is longer than usual but there’s lots to cover. Part 2 is about procrastination. Legacy was about leaving your mark, this week it’s about why we procrastinate to do so. A big reason for it is […]
Keep Moving

“A meowing cat catches no mice.” —Yiddish Proverb We have spent lots of time talking about goals and dreams and creating vision boards. All good things, but without action they mean very little. Talking about doing something doesn’t make it happen. We need to move from intent to action. So kudos to Chelsea for scheduling […]