“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” —Tony Robbins
We all have goals. They may range from losing weight, to making money, to being happy, to getting to 100 points. Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have no problem achieving their goals? The answer is simple… they take action.
When I find myself stuck, it’s because I’m are not taking action—any action. If we want to achieve our goals, we need to keep moving things forward, regardless of the temporary setback.
Here are the top reasons most people mentally prevent themselves from not achieving their goals:
- You procrastinate. You keep putting things off. You talk about how you want to do something but you don’t act on it.
- You are not working smart. You do the same thing over and over, even when you don’t get results; that’s insanity.
- You are afraid. You avoid taking action because some of the things you have to do intimidate you. Results come to people who pay their dues, not people who avoid the work. The fear isn’t going to go away by waiting it out. Face the fear and do it anyway. You are not focused. Your ability to stay focused is instrumental to achieving your results. Be clear of what you want and stick to it. Don’t let anything (or anyone) distract you.
- You over complicate situations. More often than not you over think and then complicate things. Things are usually simpler than you believe.
- You are too stuck in your ways. You insist on doing things a certain way: your way. You don’t open yourself up to new ideas. Guess what? You’ll remain stuck in your situation, too. Open yourself to new methods. Experiment. You can only improve if you are willing to try new things.
These reasons are self-created—in your mind. Your goals are in your hands. You can achieve anything you desire as long as you keep taking action towards them.
“Action is the foundational key to all success.” —Pablo Picasso
Have a great weekend.
About Friday Food for Thought (FFfT)
I frequently attend conferences and retreats on entrepreneurship and leadership and while I am away, the J2 team picks up the slack, allowing me to learn to be better at what I do. I wanted to share what I was learning with my team, so I created the weekly FFfT emails in November of 2015 and have been writing them ever since.
Before long, the J2 staff began sharing the FFfT emails with their friends and family and now other leaders have asked to be included, which led to the creation of this newsletter. I hope you enjoy!