IT Department Bottlenecks: How to Get Rid of Them Once and for All (Part 1: Overcoming Barriers to IT Success)

By Sanjay Khatnani and Vijay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions A truly effective IT department can mean the difference between driving business-aligned IT decisions that keep your business ahead of the competition and a reactive IT function that’s focused on tactical operations and troubleshooting. J2 has managed numerous large-scale technology projects. With that, we’ve also […]
Recharging Your Battery

This week I was off my game. I had a lot of commitments and found myself completely drained by Wednesday. While my schedule is generally packed, it doesn’t usually take this much of a toll. How did I cope? Caffeine. Lots and lots of caffeine. When I finally got a minute to stop and think, […]

My friend Michelle has a saying, “Stay in your lane”. Urban dictionary defines this phrase as meaning “mind your own business”. That is certainly one definition. Michelle uses it to let people know to stay on target or on point. I take it to mean stay focused. At its basic nature, to “stay in your […]
Important vs. Urgent

“What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.” —Dwight D. Eisenhower As the year is winding down we may find ourselves trying to accomplish everything we set out to achieve this year: our vision board, our goals, etc. This is a good time to take a step back and decide […]