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It Staffing Services

It’s December 21st, T-minus 4 days until Christmas. Tensions are running high, and you can begin to see the look of panic in passerby’s eyes as they rush to get their last-minute shopping done. While the holidays are intended to bring out the best of everyone, sometimes they can bring out quite the opposite. A […]

Consensus is Bad

It Staffing Companies

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the benefits of Crowdthink. In the case of my recent time spent at Harvard, working together with other entrepreneurs and listening to their thoughts and ideas while expressing my own as well, was beneficial. By collaborating with others we found the best possible solutions to each case study […]

The Choices You Make…

it staffing and recruiting industry

Two of the 10 axioms of Choice Theory state the following: The only person whose behavior we can control is our own. All we can give another person is information. How we behave is up to us. Do you choose to complain all the time, or do you make the best of a bad situation? […]

You Are Who You Are

philadelphia it consulting companies

There is a phrase: “How you do anything is how you do everything”. I believe this to be true, for the most part. They say a messy desk is a sign of genius. I am no genius, but my desk at the office is a mess. It drives my assistant nuts.  My room at home […]

Grateful Living

it consultants in philadelphia

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday filled with family, friends, football and fantastic food. Each year, it feels like the holiday season starts earlier and earlier. Halloween candy is out in August, holiday decorations start going up in October, and Black Friday deals start the week before Thanksgiving. Everyone is looking ahead […]

Power of a Crowd

it staffing services philadelphia

When the gameshow Who Wants to be a Millionaire made its original television debut, each contestant was provided with 3 “life lines” when they weren’t sure of the correct answer. One of those life line options was called “Ask the Audience”. The thought process behind this option is ultimately thinking that the collective has a […]