Happiness and Joy

Happy child eating watermelon

In attempting to define happiness and joy, we find that they are similar, yet different.

Being Happy or Being Right?

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Being right makes me happy, because being wrong makes me a fool, or so I thought. We live in an age where technology has made voicing your opinion easy. I am constantly hearing and reading things that people agree and disagree with. Ultimately when there is disagreement it leads to an argument with both parties […]


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On July 4th, we celebrated Independence Day. The celebration of this day began in 1941, despite Independence being declared on July 2nd, 1776. Two days later, thirteen states adopted The Declaration of Independence, which states that certain rights are unalienable: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Part of the definition of unalienable is; non-transferable.  To me, […]

What is the Key to Happiness?

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Robert Waldinger, a psychiatrist and clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, is director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development—a 75-year study on what makes people happy. The study tracked the lives of two groups of men for over 75 years, and it now follows their children to understand how their childhood experience […]

Regrets and Priorities

2018 has not started well for me personally. Already this year, I’ve lost family members and friends—and close friends have lost family members and friends. They say bad news comes in threes, yet from where I’m standing, they seem to be coming by the dozen. I’m not trying to be a downer on a Friday, […]

Want to Be More Productive at Work? Stop and Smell the Coffee!

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By Vijay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions  As we move through the winter months, many of us are still in the throes of working to maintain our New Year’s resolutions. This time of year represents a new beginning for most of us—a fresh start. It’s a time to ask the question: what can I do […]