Everything We See is Perspective, Not Truth

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I recently saw a video on Facebook where a family was treated horribly by a waitress at a restaurant when ordering a meal. The waitress serving them was one of the rudest individuals I had ever witnessed. She spoke down to this family, berated the children and refused to take certain orders. Honestly, it was […]

When is Enough, Enough?

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How much is enough? This is the question a few friends and I were kicking around a few weeks ago when we were enjoying a lighthearted conversation about what that meant. While we didn’t necessarily come up with the answer then and there, we did manage to pin down what not-enough looks like. We all agreed […]

PULSE April 2018

Welcome to the PULSE! Over the past several months, we’ve been thinking about some of the intangibles that have contributed to our professional successes. Mindfulness, for example, is an often underused practice that we’ve adopted in both our personal and professional lives, while a continued commitment to learning, we’ve discovered, is one of the best ways […]


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Last week, I had the good fortune of traveling to Lisbon for what I would call an eventful trip filled with ups and downs. To start, my red eye over was not good. Bad weather gave way to a bumpy flight (and even a lightning strike), and I got little to no sleep. After an […]

Want to Be More Productive at Work? Stop and Smell the Coffee!

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By Vijay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions  As we move through the winter months, many of us are still in the throes of working to maintain our New Year’s resolutions. This time of year represents a new beginning for most of us—a fresh start. It’s a time to ask the question: what can I do […]