Time to Redefine the Word “Leadership”

By Andy Thatcher, Vice President of Sales, J2 Solutions What is leadership? Most people might say it’s one’s ability to guide, influence and manage others. At its most basic level, this is true. But today, I challenge you to think a bit more outside the box on the true meaning of the word “leadership.” In […]
Staying Ahead of End-of-Year Talent Evaluations

By Vijay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions Now that we’ve entered the fourth quarter and the end of the calendar year is just around the corner, it’s a good time to evaluate open projects. Everyone is asking the same questions: How are your projects progressing? How many have been completed? How many are behind schedule? […]
PULSE October 2018
Welcome to the PULSE! As Q3 ends, and summer with it, we bring you a recap of the Thought Leadership and Friday Food for Thought posts from these past three months. The ones that kept you evolving while school was out and your vacation began but if you still found yourself checking your work email…poolside. […]
The Evolution of Leadership

By Vijay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions There are countless articles on Leadership and how to be a better Leader in today’s rapidly evolving tech space. Is Leadership itself evolving at a similar pace? What has changed? In order to dive a little deeper into the subject, let’s take a look at how far we’ve […]
The EQ Factor: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters for Project Managers

By Vijay Khatnani, Managing Partner, J2 Solutions In a previous blog, I discussed the importance of assessing a candidate’s emotional intelligence (EQ) in the hiring practices of managers. Emotional intelligence has come to the forefront of our working environment, and today I’ll be expanding on the topic as it pertains to project managers. But first, […]
IT Department Bottlenecks: How to Get Rid of Them Once and for All (Part 2: Why Culture Matters)

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