Toads Taste Nasty

Toads taste nasty, so why not get the worst out of the way first thing? Then, you can truly enjoy what you’re looking forward to.
Fear and the Present Moment

I hope you all enjoyed Halloween. This year marks the 40th anniversary of (in my opinion) one of the best horror films made: the original Halloween movie. Halloween captured my undivided attention and kept me on the edge of my seat during the entire movie. Horror films have a way of making us forget everything […]
Today Not Tomorrow

“Never put off for tomorrow, what you can do today.” —Thomas Jefferson We tend to procrastinate for various reasons: Fear of failure, doing an unpleasant task, lack of self-confidence, etc. The list goes on and on. I recently read a post from a friend that asked, “Why not today?” Very good question. Are you afraid […]
Legacy (Part 2) – Procrastination

Last week’s FFfT was about legacy, I hope you read it. I promised a second part to it, it is longer than usual but there’s lots to cover. Part 2 is about procrastination. Legacy was about leaving your mark, this week it’s about why we procrastinate to do so. A big reason for it is […]
Taking Action

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” —Tony Robbins We all have goals. They may range from losing weight, to making money, to being happy, to getting to 100 points. Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have no problem achieving their goals? The answer is simple… they take action. […]