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J2 Blog
How to Build a Data Culture to Fuel Business Growth
Today, most businesses know that to stay competitive and succeed in an evolving business environment, they need to use their data more intelligently across the
What is a Data-Driven Culture—and Why do You Need One?
Data and analytics is the future of business innovation and growth and a key contributor to digital transformation. In fact, according to Forrester, insights-driven organizations grow at an average of more than 30% annually.1
Your Data Can Help Boost Retention. Here’s How!
Over the past year, I’ve focused my monthly musings on two prominent and timely themes: Using data to power business decisions, and all things “The Great Resignation.” Today, I’m bringing the two ideas together as I share insight into how you can use your data to retain employees.
Data Trends for 2022: How Many Have You Adopted?
Data drives business decisions. We know this. But a business’s ability to evolve with emerging data trends and practices can mean the difference between stagnation and innovation. Today, the way we live, work, and connect looks vastly different than it did a few short years ago. Since the onset of the pandemic, it’s become increasingly more important for organizations to embrace a data-first mindset leveraging the latest digital advancements.
Close Your Talent Gap with Alternative Workforce Development
As the Great Resignation continues and employers everywhere are trying to fill talent gaps on their teams, thinking outside the box has become essential. Traditional recruiting tactics are no longer working, as evidenced by the fact that demand in the workforce still far outweighs supply.
Turn The Great Resignation into The Great Retention
It’s February 2022, which means we’re nearly two years into this pandemic. So much has changed since the COVID stay-at-home orders were abruptly thrust upon