PULSE June 2019
Welcome to the PULSE! With summer finally upon us, it’s a great time to reflect back on what’s important to you, both at work and in your personal life (you know, when you’re on the beach enjoying a margarita ). At J2, we are always looking for ways and reasons to improve. Reflection is a great tool to […]
PULSE March 2019
Welcome to the PULSE! As our industry continues to evolve, we at J2, continue to evolve with it. That’s why this quarter, we focused on sharing our expertise on one of the most talked about subjects in our industry: soft skills. Interpersonal skills, like relationship building and goal setting, are the backbone of great leadership, […]
PULSE October 2018
Welcome to the PULSE! As Q3 ends, and summer with it, we bring you a recap of the Thought Leadership and Friday Food for Thought posts from these past three months. The ones that kept you evolving while school was out and your vacation began but if you still found yourself checking your work email…poolside. […]