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Saying Yes

Saying yes

I have a habit of saying yes. It is one of the reasons why my bourbon, cigar and wine collection has grown the way it has. Most of it is good by my standards, but occasionally I end up with stuff that is not my palate; like the peated scotches, sweet bourbons or very “cedary” (is that a word?) cigars. On the other hand, if I didn’t have this habit I would have Saying yesmissed out on amazing trips, memories that will make me smile for the rest of my life and on meeting people that have become family and friends.

This habit of saying yes has also rolled over into other things; I’ve donated to charities I have no connection to but help out anyway because a friend asked. I’ve joined groups I originally had no intention of joining, and I’ve gone for a walk after it was suggested I do so. Sometimes this habit has led to me doing things I really didn’t want to, but I did regardless.

So, what’s the alternative to always saying yes, saying no!?!? Where is the fun in that? Look at all that I would miss out on. On the flip side, look at all that I would gain and enjoy by declining. Saying no can be beneficial. If I said no to the things I didn’t really want to participate in, I would have saved time and money. If I didn’t say yes to everything, maybe I would be more productive and not feel so tired and over committed.

I have known people that say yes to everything and others that say no to everything. I don’t know which is better, and I don’t know what the right answer is. Maybe it’s saying yes to something you love, that does not feel like an obligation and resonates with you, and saying no when you don’t have any attachment to what is being asked, or simply do not have to do.

The trouble I have is that I get pleasure from many of the things I say yes to; I love new experiences and truly enjoy helping people. Maybe my answer is to be who I am, continue what I am doing, accept the experience I didn’t enjoy as a learning one, and look for the silver lining. Sometimes saying yes can be scary because you don’t know what you are getting yourself into, but the surprise is part of the fun for me; it’s like Christmas. ?

What do you think the right answer is, or what is the right answer for you? Let me know, maybe we can discuss it over a peated scotch and a “cedary” cigar.

“I’m a great believer that saying yes is a lot more fun than saying no.”– Richard Branson

Have a great weekend.

