Pay it Forward

top it management consulting firms

A couple days ago, I had to upgrade my phone; it had slowed to a crawl—which, in the technology-driven world of today, is just short of unbearable. Surprisingly, I found the upgrade process not as seamless as it could have been—namely the lack of efficiency in the transfer of settings and data; many of my […]

Locked Mind

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There is a story about Houdini, the great escape artist, trying to escape from a prison—and it goes something like this: Houdini was invited by a small town in the British Isles to try to escape from their newly built prison cell. Houdini, who’d mastered similar feats countless times before, gladly accepted. As soon as he was […]

Liberty & Happiness

Liberty & Happiness

“Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.” —Marquis de Lafayette This year on July 4th while we celebrate the birth of our nation—whether it be by going to the beach, a picnic with friends and family, watching fireworks display, or all three—let’s also take a moment to be grateful for the freedoms we […]

The Art of Happiness

It Staff Augmentation Services

What does it mean to be happy? Much has been written on “happiness” and how to achieve it. Happiness is one of those things that means different things to different people. To me, happiness is a mindset—a mindset that comes with satisfaction. How satisfied you are with who you are and what you are doing? […]

Can’t Make Everyone Happy

Can't Make Everyone Happy

Regardless of how hard you try, you can’t please everyone. You cannot control what others think about you. Let me tell you a story… A few years ago, I was in charge of scheduling speakers for a group. After every speaker, a few participants would walk up to and tell me how much they hated […]


large it consulting firms

The Christmas carol “Deck the Halls” starts out… “Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la la la la! ‘Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la la la la!” ‘Tis also the season of giving. Giving makes you jolly… Or happy and there is science to support […]