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The Best New Year’s Cleanse

This year has been full of ups and downs. I have spoken to many folks about how the year went for them and I have heard some very interesting answers. For some, it was a great year. For others not so much, and both for a variety of reasons. People changed roles (professionally and personally), some people enjoyed being able to stay home, some reconnected with family and friends, and many suffered loss.

January 1st is a day when many of us make New Year resolutions – including me– and by January 15thmany of us have already broken them…including me.   I know this, but I still make resolutions. There is something about setting goals and working towards accomplishing them. Trying again and trying a little harder. With the new year comes new goals and new targets to hit.

Recently, I saw an interview where the interviewee was asked if they made New Year resolutions. The answer was as I expected: Yes. Every year, the interviewee makes a list of things to accomplish. However, the surprise was in the follow-up to their response. Each year, the interviewee also mentioned that they make a list of things they want to purge from their life. Some of these burdens were simple things, like getting rid of clutter in the house while others were harder like saying goodbye to toxic people in your life, breaking bad habits etc.

I thought it was a great way to start the new year. Fortunately, I don’t have toxic people in my life, but there are things that happened in last year that I would like to erase – things that I don’t need in my life. Some of them will go in the trash (house cleaning) others will go on a list that will get burnt in the fireplace. So, as the saying goes – out with the old and in with the new!

Here is to next year being the best yet, whatever that means for you. May it be filled with joy and success.

“Be at war with your vices, be at peace with your neighbors, and let every year find you a better man.” – Benjamin Franklin

Happy New Year!

– V
